Sunday, May 17, 2020

Analysis Of The Movie Gojira - 1560 Words

Gojira (a.k.a. Godzilla) has come a long way since its 1954 debut, spawning dozens of increasingly silly sequels and growing into one of the most recognizable franchises to date. However these ridiculous sequels have created a tendency to overlook Ishiro Honda’s â€Å"Gojira† as just another monster movie, but Gojira is much more than that. From a technical perspective, Gojira is a collaborative effort from some of Japans most renowned film makers, most notably film director Ishiro Honda and special effects expert Eiji Tsuburaya. They raised the bar not only from a technical standpoint, with their ingenious use of visual effects and intricate sets, but also helped further a more or less unexplored genre of movie in Japan (and arguably the world) which influenced a whole new generation of films. The film itself acted as a much deeper social commentary for Japan during the post-World War II era - it was a way to discuss what still were taboo subjects at the time. These su bjects were mainly related to the recent nuclear bomb testing and the recent horrors of nuclear warheads the country experienced during World War II. The film itself is far from just another monster movie, as that would require a moster genre to exist beforehand. When Godzilla was released in 1954, monster movies were very rarely made. Content within the movies that were monster genre were to sporadic and inconsistent to deserve a genre of it s own. King Kong was the arguably the first take at a true monsterShow MoreRelatedCultural Implications Of Godzilla Film Analysis1737 Words   |  7 Pagessocieties and build a cultural belief system. Based on the 1954 and 2014 Godzilla movies, analysis will be made on the history as well as the metaphorical/ cultural implication of Godzilla. Analysis will be made on the worlds fascination with Godzilla and the footprints that Godzilla has made in the world, as well as the warning message Godzilla symbolizes. In the original 1954 Godzilla movie, the story line shows a fisherman who was trying to catch fish by an island, rather his line

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